Learn some poses in advance

At first, you can find some poses complicated or hard to perform. Therefore, you should spend some time getting used to the postures you'll be doing, such as Mountain pose, Child pose, Warrior 1, Sun Salutations, and so on. You'll feel more confident and prepared to participate in your class if you practice a few of these introductory positions. Learning some poses in advance also helps you keep up with the lessons and quickly move to more complicated postures.
For example, beginners should do mountain poses first because it is the foundation for all standing postures, enhancing posture, groundedness, stability, and confidence. Meanwhile, the child pose relaxes the body, mind, and spirit while also stimulating the third eye. The low back is softly stretched, the abdominal organs are massaged and toned, and digestion and excretion are stimulated.
In addition, the warrior I is a leg-strengthening, hip-opening, chest-opening, and arm-and-leg-stretching exercise. Concentration, balance, and grounding are all developed in Warrior I. This stance energizes the entire body and enhances circulation and respiration. Sun Salutations, which are often regarded as the foundation of hatha yoga practice, are usually performed at sunrise to warm and revitalize the body. These are some poses beginners should learn in advance to make great steps in practicing yoga.