Learn some Turkish!

Even in big cities, hardly many people speak English outside of tourist areas, so knowing some Turkish basics is really useful. Knowing even a few words in Turkish will be greatly welcomed if you are invited to a local family's home for Turkish coffee or tea.

However, some unscrupulous individuals take advantage of this welcoming attitude. It's crucial to understand Turkish nonverbal communication, especially when it comes to saying no. Turkish hospitality entails being served more food and wine than you can possibly consume.

Simply lay your hand on your heart and say no to halt the flow. If saying no hasn't worked and you're being forced to buy something or provide money, tilt your head up and back while producing a quick tsk sound with your tongue. It might feel rude to do so, but it works. This is definitely one of the Things about Turkey You Should Know before traveling to this country. This is one of the top Things about Turkey You Should Know before traveling to this beautiful country.


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