Legend Of Deification
Legend Of Deification is a Chinese animated film based on the novel Fengshen Yanyi by Xu Zhonglin. The film follows the story of Jiang Ziya, a powerful immortal who is tasked with overthrowing the tyrannical King Zhou of Shang and establishing the Zhou dynasty. However, Jiang Ziya faces a moral dilemma when he learns that the King's nine-tailed fox spirit is actually the reincarnation of his daughter, who died in a previous life. Jiang Ziya must choose between following the will of heaven or his own conscience.
The film is a stunning visual spectacle that showcases the rich culture and mythology of China. The animation is fluid and detailed, with vivid colors and dynamic action scenes. The characters are well-developed and complex, each with their own motivations and conflicts. The film also explores themes such as fate, destiny, loyalty, sacrifice, and redemption. Legend Of Deification is a captivating and emotional epic that appeals to both fans of fantasy and history.
- Released date: October 1, 2020
- Developed by: Beijing Enlight Pictures
- Number of episodes: 1
- Watch here: https://gogoanimehd.io/category/jiang-ziya-dub