Legend Of The Galactic Heroes
Legend of the Galactic Heroes is a big space adventure anime based on Yoshiki Tanaka's novels. The series follows the lives of two good military leaders: Reinhard von Lohengramm from the Galactic Empire and Yang Wen-li from the Free Planets Alliance. They have different ideas, ways of doing things, and paths, but they all cross as they deal with space politics and fighting.
The anime talks about important things like politics, power, war, thinking, and what it's like to lead. The series has many characters, each with their reasons for doing things. Reinhard and Yang, who are at the story's center, show different ways of leading and thinking, which is a big part of what the series talks about.
Legend of the Galactic Heroes shows many things happening over time. It's not afraid to show how complicated and messy war, talking between groups, and how people can be.
Many think Legend of the Galactic Heroes is unique in anime. It's bright, the characters change significantly, and the story is significant. Even years after it came out, people still love it and say good things about it. The anime has led to new shows, changes, and talking about what it means.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Noboru Ishiguro
- Released: December 21, 1988 – March 11, 1999
- Link to watch: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096633/
- IMDb Rating: 7.7/10