Leonardo da Vinci didn't do that much painting.
Another one of the interesting facts about Leonardo da Vinci you probably didn't know is that he produced remarkably little art, despite being one of the greatest painters of all time. In actuality, he is only definitely credited in 15 out of the extant works. The artwork was only a means to an end for Leonardo. Because of his insatiable curiosity, he used painting as a means of expression and a tool to keep track of his discoveries.
Instead, he would spend his time in nature, performing scientific research, dissecting human and animal bodies, and writing inventions, observations, and speculations in his notebooks. His own scientific studies and thinking about technical issues kept him busy. This is a testament to his incredible talent and ability to have a lasting impact on generations of artists because he had produced so few works yet still had a significant impact on subsequent artists.
Some of his well-known paintings, such as The Battle of Anghiari and Leda, are only known through preliminary drawings or reproductions created by other artists after they were misplaced, destroyed, or damaged over time. However, his unparalleled reputation speaks to the power of his artistry. Even with relatively few finished paintings, his effect on painters in his day and future generations cannot be denied.