A manhwa series called "Leviathan" was created by Lee Gyuntak and Lee Hyeon-Se. Humanity is on the verge of extinction in the post-apocalyptic planet in which the novel is set. In a last-ditch effort to live, mankind breed genetically improved soldiers known as "Leviathans" to battle the terrifying creatures that pose a threat to their existence. Cheon Gwan Nyeo, the main character, is a Leviathan with superhuman power and skills. She is viewed as a failure, nevertheless, because of her excessive fury. Despite her shortcomings, Gwan Nyeo joins the defensive team and plays a crucial role in taking on the powerful monsters and learning the truth about how they came to be.
Gwan Nyeo meets other Leviathans along the way, each with their own special abilities and characteristics. Together, they battle for humanity's existence while overcoming their own obstacles and inner demons. In a world overtaken by anarchy, the manhwa examines themes of sacrifice, atonement, and the cost of power. The movie "Leviathan" is renowned for its violent action scenes, ominous setting, and intricate character development. In order to craft a gripping and exciting story, it combines elements of science fiction, fantasy, and horror.
Author: Lee Gyuntak
Illustrator: Lee Hyeon-Se
Genres: Action, Fantasy, Horror
Chapters: 214
Read here: https://toonily.com/webtoon/leviathan-0002/