"Levius" is a captivating seinen anime that transports viewers to a steampunk-inspired world, blending elements of science fiction, action, and sports drama. With its unique setting and complex characters, it offers a fresh take on the genre.
Set in a world still recovering from a devastating war, "Levius" follows the journey of its titular character, Levius Cromwell. In a society where mechanical body enhancements are commonplace, Levius becomes a renowned fighter in mechanical boxing. The series explores themes of trauma, identity, and the consequences of war, all against the backdrop of thrilling boxing matches.
"Levius" is a hidden gem in the world of anime. If you're looking for a series that seamlessly combines action-packed mechanical battles with deep character exploration, this anime is a must-watch. Its rich world-building, intricate character relationships, and thought-provoking themes make it a standout in the genre.
Studios: Polygon Pictures
Genres: Sci-Fi, Sports
Themes: Combat Sports, Mecha
Demographic: Seinen