LibraryThing has been in existence for quite some time. LibraryThing is an online service that allows consumers to quickly catalog their books. You may view your catalog from any location, even your mobile phone. Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing connects people who have the same books, makes recommendations for what to read next, and so on. In fact, they claim to be the world's largest book club, and it certainly has that feel. Add books to your catalogue to receive recommendations based on what you've read, or pick "member recommendations" instead of LibraryThing recommendations to receive alternative recommendations. You can join groups and debates, as well as see prominent authors and new books.
With access to the Library of Congress, six national Amazon sites, and over 2,200 libraries worldwide, LibraryThing provides sophisticated tools for categorizing and tracking your books, music, and videos. Edit your information, search and sort it, "tag" books with your own subjects, and organize your collection using several classification systems (such as the Library of Congress, Dewey Decimal, or other custom systems). From the palm of your hand, use the LibraryThing iOS App to scan books to your collection. Each work may have multiple editions, translations, printings, audio versions, and so on. Members are invited to provide publicly viewable reviews, descriptions, Common Knowledge, and other information about a work; ratings, collections, and tags assist in categorizing. Discussion is also encouraged in the forums.