Lighter pavement in streets and parking lots
Dark pavements absorb a lot of heat, as anyone who has walked across an asphalt parking lot on a hot day can confirm. For both vehicles and people to move about a city, pavement is a necessity. According to research by the American Environmental Protection Agency, 35–40% of the metropolitan area of a typical metropolis is made up of pavement, making it a significant source of UHIs. Furthermore, it is more challenging to create pavements that are cooler because they cannot be covered in vegetation. In addition, other aspects including visibility, pavement durability, and pedestrian and driver safety must be taken into account.
There are compounds that can be applied to certain pavement types to improve the quantity of light that is reflected rather than absorbed. The viability of other types for the upcoming repaving of streets, roads, and parking lots has been investigated. One is permeable pavement, which has a rougher texture and lower density than conventional pavement. This allows for more convection to occur during the day and lowers the amount of heat that is retained in the pavement for later release. Additionally, it enables greater water absorption, minimizing storm runoff during heavy downpours. Pavements with lighter colors also require fewer candles for street illumination.
The use of cold pavements can lessen heat retention, which lowers the temperatures of UHIs and improves nighttime driver sight. Costs are a worry. The replacement or modification of existing pavements in cities is a very complex idea, and its implementation has an impact on commuting times, traffic patterns, and other challenges of urban life. But when the overall negative consequences of UHIs are taken into account, the possible benefits may very well outweigh the costs.