Linear Regression and Modeling from Duke University (Coursera)
Linear Regression and Modeling from Duke University (Coursera) ranks 2nd in the list of best online Linear Regression course. This course introduces linear regression models, both simple and multiple. You can use these models to examine the relationship between variables in a data set and a continuous response variable. This course will teach you the fundamental theory of linear regression and how to fit, examine, and use regression models to investigate relationships between multiple variables using the free statistical software R and RStudio.
Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel is one of the best Assistant Professors of practice at Duke University's Department of Statistical Science. She has a Ph.D. in statistics and is interested in developing student-centered learning tools for introductory statistics courses. By the end of this course, you will have a basic understanding of Linear Regression and its models. You might also be interested in their collection of Best Data Science Courses and machine learning tutorials.
- One of the simplest and easy to understand Linear Regression course available online for beginners.
- Learn from one of the top instructors of Duke University
- Learn about Linear Regression and its models that can be used to predict a linear relationship between two numerical variables
- Explore multiple regression that allows you to model numerical response variables with the help of multiple predictors.
- You’ll also learn inference for multiple linear regression, model selection, and model diagnostics.
- Work on data analysis assignments to test your knowledge of linear regression.
- Get shareable certificates after completing the course and peer review assignment.
Duration: 4 weeks, 5-7 hours/week
Rating: 4.7/5.0
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