Machine Learning Crash Course — Google AI
This course ranks 3rd in the top best online Machine Learning courses. This course is offered by Google AI Education, a completely free platform that combines articles, videos, and interactive content. The Machine Learning Crash Course covers the topics needed to solve ML problems as quickly as possible. As in the previous course, Python is the programming language of choice and introduces TensorFlow. Each major section of the curriculum contains an interactive Jupyter notebook hosted by Google Colab. The video lectures and articles are concise and easy to understand, allowing you to move the course quickly and at your own pace.
Curriculum (simplified)
- Classification
- Linear and Logistic Regression
- Training and loss
- Reducing Loss - gradient descent, learning rates
- TensorFlow
- Overfitting
- Training sets, splitting, and validation
- Feature Engineering and cleaning data
- Feature Crosses
- Regularization - L1 and L2, Lambda
- Model performance metrics
- Neural Networks - single and multi-class
- Embeddings
- ML Engineering
This is the best option on this list if you're tinkering with ML but want to cover all locations. This course covers many of the machine learning nuances that can take hundreds of hours to learn randomly. At the time of writing, there seems to be no certificate of completion. Therefore, this course may not be the best choice if it is what you are looking for.
Provider: Google AI
Cost: Free
Rate: 4.9/5
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