Magic Emperor
"Magic Emperor" is a thrilling Manhua that takes readers on an extraordinary journey into a world filled with mysticism, betrayal, and redemption. The story revolves around Zhuo Yifan, a formidable figure known as the Magic Emperor, thanks to his possession of the ancient Emperor's tome, the Book of the Nine Secrets. His power attracts countless enemies, and he ultimately meets a tragic end at the hands of his treacherous disciple.
Zhuo Yifan's soul miraculously finds a new vessel in the form of a humble family servant boy named Zhuo Fan. Yet, the transition is not seamless, hindered by demonic forces. As he grapples with the boy's memories and responsibilities to the family and its mistress, Zhuo Yifan must forge a path to restore the family's prestige and ascend to the pinnacle of their continent. "Magic Emperor" promises a riveting blend of magic, strategy, and personal growth as Zhuo Yifan embarks on this epic quest for redemption and power.
- Author(s): Wuer Manhua, Ye Xiao
- Genres: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Magical, Martial Arts
- Status: Ongoing
- Chapters: 441
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