Maleficent, also known as the Mistress of all Evil, is one of the best Disney animated villains. Upon discovering her exclusion from Princess Aurora's christening, Maleficent inflicts a curse upon the infant, decreeing her demise on her sixteenth birthday.
However, Merryweather, one of the benevolent fairies, intervenes and alters the curse, transforming it into an enchanted slumber instead. Maleficent remains undeterred by this modification, as her curse still succeeds in causing great sorrow and tribulation in the eventual unfolding of Sleeping Beauty's story.
And in her quest to ensure perpetual slumber for Aurora and her kingdom, she also seizes the princess's true love, Prince Philip. But Maleficent has no intention of prisoning the prince forever; instead, she plans to release him when he has aged into an old man - which is even more cruel since Aurora is unaffected by the passage of time and remains young forever.
Movie: Sleeping Beauty
Release: 1959