Manga for the Beginner
"Manga for the Beginner" is a book written and illustrated by Christopher Hart, a well-known author, and illustrator who specializes in manga and anime-style art. The book is a step-by-step guide to drawing and creating manga, a Japanese comic style known for its distinct visual language and storytelling techniques. The author employs his signature style of step-by-step illustrations and instructions to demonstrate how to draw the basic body, head, eyes, hair, and other features. It is a comprehensive book with 192 pages that covers everything you need to know to start your manga journey.
Unlike other manga beginner books, it goes beyond the basics to cover special effects, perspective, dynamic action poses, light, and shading. You will gain a general understanding of what it takes to create excellent manga art. Furthermore, you will be introduced to some popular types of manga characters, such as anthros, animals, shoujo, and shounen. It comes in paperback, library binding, and Kindle formats.
Format: Paperback
Author: Christopher Hart
Publisher: Watson-Guptill
Edition: First Edition
Publication Date: August 5, 2008
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