Marie Antoinette’s death was tragic
One of the most famous deaths in recent history is undoubtedly that of Marie Antoinette. It was Marie Antoinette's birthday, nine months after her husband, the King, was beheaded on the guillotine. Before she passed away, she remained steadfast in her view that she had been wronged, given that her husband and her cherished children had been taken from her. She behaved with dignity and courage during her final days in prison.
The last Queen of France, Marie Antoinette, made her way to the guillotine in front of a vast throng on October 16, 1793, three years after the French Revolution had started. She unintentionally stepped on her executioner's foot as she made her way up the stairs to the guillotine. Up until the very end, she remained a lady. She offered him an apology. When Marie Antoinette's head was neatly severed from her body at 12:15 PM, her demise was complete.
While the grave diggers took a break for lunch, her dismembered head and corpse were carelessly buried next to her open grave at the Rue d'Anjou. Marie Antoinette's death mask was preserved for history when Madame Tussaud managed to carve the poor Queen's visage in wax in exactly the right amount of time.