Mary Shelley ran away from home at 16

It should not be surprising that Mary grew up to be a feisty and extremely independent young woman given her odd parents. So much so that when she was 16 years old, she made the decision to flee her house with a married guy! As a student of Mary's father, William, Percy Shelley was one of the young intellectuals who frequently visited the Godwin home.

Young Mary Godwin piqued Percy's interest, and he was soon smitten by her passionate and astute character.

Godwin tried everything he could to keep Percy and his daughter apart once Percy confessed his feelings for her to him. He was anxious that if Mary left with a married man, not only would her reputation and future possibilities be wrecked, but that his other two daughters, Fanny and Jane, would not receive any marriage proposals. Contrary to her father's desires, Mary nevertheless trudged off with Percy and her sister Jane to France and eventually to Switzerland.

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