Mass Effect Trilogy
Top 1 in Top 5 Best Xbox 360 Games

You can buy all three Mass Effect Trilogy parts in a single box, and if you’re just picking up an Xbox 360, there simply isn’t anything else you should buy first. This trilogy is a lot of things, but most of all, it’s special. You will create your Commander Shepard, and over the course of around 100 hours, you will make decisions, build relationships, and go on galaxy-spanning adventures that, above all else, you’ll remember.
Each game is distinct, yet all are part of the same series. Everyone has a different favorite out of the three games, but you're sure to leave with your own lasting impression. BioWare set out to create a "space opera", and they succeeded. Those who play this game in 2022 will be able to enjoy a much-improved version of the trilogy thanks to the Mass Effect Legendary Edition.
Detailed information:
Release date: November 6, 2012
Developer: BioWare
Link to buy: