Matrix Analysis

Matrix Analysis, written by Roger Horn and Charles Johnson, is a comprehensive textbook on linear algebra that is designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students. Among the best books on matrices, this book provides a modern and sophisticated treatment of matrix theory, an essential mathematical tool for many scientific and engineering disciplines.
Roger Horn is a renowned mathematician and professor emeritus at the University of Utah. He is well known for his contributions to matrix analysis, optimization theory, and computational mathematics. Charles Johnson is also a respected mathematician and professor at the College of William & Mary. He has published extensively on matrix theory, numerical analysis, and discrete mathematics.
The book begins with an introduction to basic matrix algebra and gradually builds up to more advanced topics, including matrix decomposition, matrix functions, and matrix equations. The authors provide a rigorous and detailed exposition of the subject matter, with numerous examples, exercises, and applications to real-world problems.
Matrix Analysis covers a broad range of topics, including positive definite matrices, matrix norms, matrix inequalities, and perturbation theory. It also includes a thorough discussion of spectral theory, which is a powerful tool for understanding the properties of matrices and their applications. The book concludes with a chapter on numerical methods for matrix computation, which is essential for practical applications of matrix theory.
Overall, Matrix Analysis is an excellent resource for students and researchers in mathematics, engineering, physics, and computer science. It provides a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of matrix theory, with a focus on rigorous mathematical analysis and its applications.
Author: Charles R. Johnson and Roger A. Horn
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Ratings: 4.6 out of 5 stars (from 85 reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #866,813 in Books
#54 in Mathematical Matrices
#169 in Linear Algebra (Books)
#409 in Mathematical Analysis (Books)