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May have anticancer properties and boost nervous system

Due to the flavonoids included in the seed coat of black beans, it has been demonstrated that they lower the chance of developing certain malignancies. Three of the eight flavonoids that have been discovered in the seed coat are anthocyanins. In essence, flavonoids are phytonutrient pigments that provide color and act as antioxidants in the body to fend against illness and free radicals. Speckled, crimson, and black bean varietals are more bioactive than non-pigmented beans and exhibit antioxidant and antiproliferative properties, according to research by Maria Neve Ombra et al (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2006).

By contributing to the supply of the essential amino acids and molybdenum, black beans can also assist the neurological system work more effectively. They are rich in folate or vitamin B9, respectively. The control of certain amino acids needed by the nervous system is significantly influenced by folate, sometimes referred to as folic acid. According to studies, a lack of dietary folate raises homocysteine levels, which might be a risky sign of neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease. Regularly including black beans in your diet will help your body maintain healthy amounts of folate and lower your chance of developing such disorders.

May Have Anticancer Properties
May Have Anticancer Properties
May Have Anticancer Properties
May Have Anticancer Properties

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