Michael Bay Blew Up a Real Mansion for Bad Boys II
Michael Bay seems to love explosions more than most other filmmakers. The man can create havoc the way Mozart created music. Whether you like him or not, he is a master of spectacle. This is never more clear than in the breathtaking home explosion scene from Bad Boys II.
The fact that the scene took place in an actual $16.5 million estate makes it noteworthy. In order to actually demolish the building and divide the lot into three new homes, the property owner paid the $16.5 million. However, he decided it may be amusing to watch if somebody making a movie wanted to trash it instead of doing it himself, and Michael Bay definitely did. The house was reconstructed to include lighter walls and artificial pieces that would explode more readily, but the overall outcome was the same. There was still some movie magic at work.
- Cost: $16.5 million