Midnight's Children
"Midnight's Children," written by renowned Indian author Salman Rushdie, is a well-known novel that takes readers on an unforgettable journey through India's tumultuous history and the lives of individuals born at the stroke of midnight on August 15, 1947 – the day India gained independence from British rule.
The story revolves around Saleem Sinai, the protagonist, who discovers that he possesses telepathic powers and is connected to the other "midnight's children" across the country. Their fates and abilities mirror the societal and political shifts in India, illustrating a metaphorical connection between the personal and the collective.
Rushdie's novel explores themes of identity, destiny, and the complex relationship between individuals and their nations. Through a rich tapestry of magical realism, historical events, and vividly crafted characters, "Midnight's Children" offers a critical commentary on postcolonial India and its struggles.
This literary masterpiece is not only a captivating tale but also an allegory for the complexity and diversity of the Indian subcontinent, making it a must-read for those intrigued by history, culture, and the power of storytelling.
- Author: Salman Rushdie
- Released: April 4, 2006
- Buy Now: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0812976533