
Miso is a fermented paste made from soybeans, barley, or rice. Similar to other fermented foods, beneficial bacteria are produced in the fermentation process. You'll also get some protein if you eat miso made from soybeans. A little bit goes a long way, which is good since miso is also high in sodium.
Miso has a rich source of vitamins and minerals, as well as probiotics, known as the gut’s “good bacteria”. Research has found a number of potential health benefits to consuming miso: Healthier Digestive System, Reduced Risk of Heart Disease, Reduced Risk of Cancer, Easing of Menopause Symptoms,... Healthier Digestive System, Miso soup is full of probiotics, which contribute to improved gut health. Miso soup contains probiotic A, oryzae, which can reduce the risk of inflammatory bowel disease and other problems with the digestive system.