"Monster" is a psychological thriller anime that centers on Dr. Kenzou Tenma, a brilliant neurosurgeon in 1980s Germany. He faces a life-altering decision when he chooses to save the life of a young boy named Johan Liebert instead of the town's mayor. Afterward, a series of mysterious and horrific events unfolds, leading Dr. Tenma to suspect that Johan may be a sociopathic serial killer.
"Monster" is celebrated for its intricate storytelling, rich character development, and exploration of themes such as morality, identity, and the consequences of one's choices. As Dr. Tenma embarks on a relentless quest to stop Johan, he encounters a cast of compelling and morally ambiguous characters.
The series delves deep into the psyches of its characters, blurring the lines between good and evil and raising thought-provoking questions about the nature of evil and the lengths one will go to in pursuit of justice.
"Monster" is often regarded as a masterpiece of anime and manga, known for its dark and suspenseful atmosphere, making it a must-watch for fans of psychological thrillers and complex narratives.
Studio: Madhouse
Themes: Adult Cast, Psychological
Demographic: Seinen