Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
"Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou" is a harem anime series known for its English dub and unusual idea about mythical creatures. These creatures, like snake girls, half-human horses, and bird girls, live alongside regular people. The government made a law called the Cultural Exchange Between Species Act that lets these creatures, called liminals, stay with human hosts and learn about human life.
The story follows Kimihito Kurusu, a regular guy who ends up hosting a snake girl named Miia because of some events. As things go on, Kimihito's home becomes a place where other liminal girls stay. These girls come from different species, like horse-human hybrids, bird girls, and even slime girls. Together, they deal with funny and challenging situations because of their mixed living arrangements.
"Monster Musume" explores coexistence, acceptance, and cultural differences. It also incorporates elements of romance and comedy, often focusing on the romantic and comedic interactions between Kimihito and the various liminal girls. The English dub of "Monster Musume" has received positive feedback from viewers, particularly for its humor and voice acting.
Detailed information:
- Directed by: Tatsuya Yoshihara
- Released: 7 July 2015 – 22 September 2015
- Genre: Ecchi, Harem, Supernatural, Comedy, Action, Romance
- Link to watch: