Mont Saint Michel
Together with locations like the Eiffel Tower and the Palace of Versailles, Mount Saint Michel truly serves as a representation of France. One of the most famous locations in the area is Mount Saint-Michel, which is perched on France's northern shore. It is also unquestionably one of the best castles in all of Europe.
Yet, you don't fully appreciate the depth of what is here until you visit Mount Saint Michel and examine the nuances of the island and its surroundings. The crowning achievement is the Mont Saint Michel Abbey itself. The first sanctuary was constructed here in the eighth century, and today it is a vast complex of magnificent rooms that sits atop the mountain.
It takes hours to adequately examine it and understand the various construction stages that combined religious piety with fortifications and more practical uses. Take the free shuttle bus over to the castle itself early in the morning when there are fewer crowds, but if you're simply looking for a wonderful photo opportunity, just take a stroll and start snapping away. It's a beautiful area, especially after traveling through more of northern France.
Location: Normandy, France