Most Regulators swore loyalty to the government after the war

Seven managers died after the Battle of Alamance. In a statement, Governor Tryon promised to pardon any and all Administrations who came to his camp to give up their weapons and swear allegiance, vowing to obey the law and pay taxes. The majority of the other Governing Body was founded and sworn allegiance to the royal government in exchange for amnesty for their rebellious actions.

The oath calling for an amnesty has been signed by more than 6,000 regulators and supporters. Governor Tryon offered £100 and 1,000 acres of land to anyone who would bring back Herman's Husband, dead or alive after he left the colony. The 14 captured managers were jailed when the army marched back to Hillsborough with the captives. 12 men received the death penalty. Six of them received pardons from Tryon, while another six were executed outside Hillsborough on 19 June 1771. The next day, Governor Tryon left Hillsborough, and on 30 June he left North Carolina to be appointed Governor of New. York. Those who refused to swear allegiance either went into hiding or were exiled. Some continue to fight official corruption by joining other rebel groups.

American Battlefield Trust
American Battlefield Trust

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