Mostar Bridge

Known as one of the most beautiful historical sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mostar Bridge, also known as Stari Most ('Old Bridge,') is a restored Ottoman bridge in Bosnia and Herzegovina dating from the 16th century. The old bridge stood for 427 years before being demolished in the Croat-Bosniak War in 1993.

Following the creation of a committee of experts by UNESCO in 1998, it was repaired after the conflict. Engineers from the Hungarian army salvaged submerged materials, while Spanish army engineers dismantled the makeshift bridge they had constructed. The Old Bridge was reconstructed utilizing Ottoman techniques and local limestone, and it was reopened on July 23, 2004.

Evliya Celebi, an Ottoman explorer in the 17th century, described it as like a rainbow arch leaping up to the clouds, spanning from one cliff to the other. It's a huge bridge that's thrown from rock to rock as high as the sky.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Mostar Bridge is a renowned tourist attraction. Cliff diving competitions and a local diving tradition take place at the Mostar Bridge. In 1968, Mostar had an official diving tournament. Mostar Bridge is located in the heart of the city. Mostar is accessible by bus from Sarajevo, which takes three hours.

Location: Mostar, Bosnia và Herzegovina


Top 10 Most Beautiful Historical Sites in Bosnia and Herzegovina

  1. top 1 Vranduk
  2. top 2 Tjentište War Memorial
  3. top 3 Mostar Bridge
  4. top 4 Mehmed Paša Sokolović Bridge
  5. top 5 Radimlja Necropolis
  6. top 6 Medieval Royal City of Bobovac
  7. top 7 Stari grad Jajce
  8. top 8 Stari grad Travnik
  9. top 9 Villa Rustica
  10. top 10 Počitelj City of art

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