Naadam Festival
Naadam is a summer festival that takes place in most towns and villages across the country. It is also the biggest national holiday and one of the most renowned festivals in Mongolia which highlights both Mongolian arts and sports. There are three major competitions taking place every year and they are danshig - wrestling, horse racing, and archery. Wrestling is reserved for males only, archery is open to both men and women, and youngsters (as young as five years old) jockey for races up to 35 kilometers. The arts, singing, dancing, and theater performances also attract many locals and tourists throughout the festival. There are stunning parades of mounted cavalry, athletes, and monks at the opening and closing ceremonies. Another popular activity in the festival is the playing of games using shagai, sheep anklebones which are game pieces and tokens of both divination and friendship
Traditional cuisine, or Khuushuur, and a special drink made of horse milk are served around the Sports Stadium. In general, the festival symbolizes national independence and boosts their roots and their nomadic culture.
When: July 11th - 15th
Where: Ulaanbaatar