
There once was a Nantucket native. Get that chuckle out of your system when you've finished the rest of the limerick in your brain. Nantucket is better known as a sophisticated holiday spot despite being defamed with rhymed obscenities, many of which you can see printed on souvenirs around the town. And each year sees a rise in its poshness. This tiny island, which is located about 30 miles south of Cape Cod in Massachusetts, enjoys its seclusion and attracts upper-class preppies and Northeastern bluebloods seeking a summer getaway.
Other guests are also welcome on Nantucket as long as they're prepared to splash out. Although the cost of lodging and dinnerware is high, some of the most well-liked island activities are affordable. After all, a trip to Nantucket isn't complete without exploring the island's cobblestone streets on a rental bike or relaxing on the sand with a good book. It's time to leave the continent, so grab your bikini and leave your car at the ferry docks.
- #5 in Best Relaxing Getaways in the USA
- #8 in Best Romantic Getaways in the USA
- #8 in Best Weekend Getaways in New England
- #8 in Best Places to Visit in July
- #12 in Best Places to Visit in October
- #15 in Best Family Beach Vacations in the U.S.
- #24 in Best Beaches in the U.S.
Country: USA