Nature’s Beauty Oatmeal

Nature Beauty's Oatmeal bath bombs are a heavenly choice for people with extremely sensitive skin (and hence, they have to be very selective and cautious during their shopping for frequent-use bath bombs). With these delicate bath bombs, you will never have unpleasant rashes, skin irritations, or itches, since these items contain Avena liber (or oats in most versions).

What are these substances, exactly? To be more specific, they are a type of soothing and pleasant element that has been long proven to have positive effects on human skin. They can easily soothe any type of itching and irritation, especially those that are often associated with eczema.

In addition, these Nature's Beauty Oatmeal bath bombs are filled up with nutritious coconut oil; also, it is completely fragrance-free to ensure the best experience. And last but not least, they also come in a light ivory hue that will not tarnish your tub. Since it means fewer cleaning processes, we are extremely pleased!

Ratings: 4.3 stars (from 181 reviews)

Price: $6.64

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Source: Amazon
Source: Amazon
Source: Nature's Beauty
Source: Nature's Beauty

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