Naver Map

In Korea, Naver Map is a GPS and navigation program that offers detailed route suggestions based on your preferred mode of transportation. When compared to similar apps, the recommendations are more localized, so you'll get more information as you plan your route.

For bus searches, you'll see the fare, real-time bus locations, and your estimated arrival time. Subway results will provide a rapid summary of the number of transfers required, fare costs, daily train schedules, and exit information. The software also includes a metro map of Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, and Daejeon, eliminating the need to download a separate one.

Naver Map is available for free on Android and iOS. You may want to save your home and work addresses after installation so you don't have to fill them in every time.


Download iOS:네이버-지도-내비게이션/id311867728

Download Android:

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Top 14 Best Apps for Expats Living in South Korea

  1. top 1 Papago
  2. top 2 Emergency Ready App
  3. top 3 Coupang
  4. top 4 WAUG
  5. top 5 Naver Map
  6. top 6 Coupang Eats
  7. top 7 Hana EZ
  8. top 8 Kakao T
  9. top 9 Kakao Talk
  10. top 10 Naver
  11. top 11 Zigbang
  12. top 12 Yogiyo
  13. top 13 Miso
  14. top 14 Cardoc

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