Netflix, a globally recognized platform, offers a wide range of Chinese dramas and movies among its extensive library of content. Developed by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, Netflix was launched in 1997 as a DVD rental service before transitioning to online streaming in 2007.
Among the popular Chinese dramas and movies available on Netflix, viewers can enjoy titles such as "The Wandering Earth," a sci-fi blockbuster; "Ash Is Purest White," a romantic crime drama; and "Better Days," a critically acclaimed youth drama. These films showcase the rich storytelling, talented actors, and cinematic excellence of Chinese cinema.
Netflix has become famous for its commitment to providing diverse content from around the world, including Chinese productions. Its range of categories spans across various genres such as action, romance, thriller, comedy, and more. This diversity caters to a global audience, allowing viewers to explore and appreciate Chinese culture through their preferred genres.
Founded: 1997
Founders: Reed Hastings, Marc Randolph
Headquarters: Los Gatos, California, United States
Official Website: