Netflix, a renowned streaming platform for watching Chinese dramas in Indonesia, was developed by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph and released in 1997. It has gained immense popularity among viewers for its extensive collection of captivating dramas and its global reach.
Netflix offers a diverse selection of highly popular Chinese dramas that have captivated audiences. Some of the highly acclaimed series available on the platform include "The Untamed," a captivating fantasy adventure; "Story of Yanxi Palace," a compelling historical drama; and "Love and Redemption," a mesmerizing romance set in a fantasy world. These dramas have garnered attention for their engaging storylines, exceptional production quality, and talented cast.
Netflix has become famous not only for its Chinese dramas but also for its wide range of categories. In addition to dramas, the platform offers a variety of content including movies, TV shows, documentaries, and original series. This extensive range of categories caters to diverse viewers' interests and provides a comprehensive entertainment experience.
Founded: 1997
Founders: Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph
Headquarters: Los Gatos, California, United States
Official Website: