Netflix, a leading streaming platform worldwide, offers a diverse range of Italian TV series for online viewing. Developed by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph, Netflix was launched in 1997 as a DVD rental service and expanded into online streaming in 2007. Netflix has achieved immense fame for its extensive collection of captivating Italian series.
Among the top-watched Italian series on Netflix are "Suburra: Blood on Rome," a gripping crime drama set in Rome's underworld, "Baby," a coming-of-age drama inspired by real-life events, "Summertime," a romantic series set in the picturesque coastal town of Cesenatico, "Curon," a supernatural thriller set in a small town near the Italian Alps, and "The Trial," a gripping legal drama based on a bestselling novel.
Netflix's popularity stems from its vast range of categories, catering to diverse viewer preferences. Alongside Italian TV series, Netflix offers a wide selection of international content, including movies, documentaries, anime, and original productions. This extensive variety and the convenience of on-demand streaming have contributed to Netflix's global acclaim.
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