Never Have I Ever
"Never Have I Ever," which premiered in 2020, is an artfully crafted high school series that seamlessly blends humor and poignant storytelling, offering a perceptive and layered exploration of the intricate tapestry of teenage life. The series embarks on a captivating narrative journey alongside Devi Vishwakumar, a young Indian-American protagonist grappling with the complex terrain of adolescence, cultural identity, and the pursuit of personal fulfillment.
Against the setting of sun-soaked Los Angeles suburbs, "Never Have I Ever" adeptly captures the ebbs and flows of teenage emotions, painting a vivid portrait of Devi's tumultuous existence. Maitreyi Ramakrishnan breathes life into the fiercely determined yet occasionally impulsive character, propelling her on a quest for popularity and romantic fulfillment, which often leads to delightfully awkward and relatable situations. Supported by a diverse and steadfast circle of friends, Devi confronts the highs and lows of high school life, navigating intricate family dynamics and unraveling the complexities of first love.
The series fearlessly delves into the intricate dance between cultural expectations and personal aspirations, exploring the themes of identity, ancestral traditions, and the universal yearning for acceptance. Through Devi's captivating odyssey, the show offers a profound and poignant depiction of the myriad conflicts and complexities faced by many first-generation teenagers, resonating powerfully with viewers who have walked a similar path.
The writing prowess of Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher shines through in "Never Have I Ever," as they deftly maneuver between incisive wit, clever repartee, and moments of profound introspection. The series masterfully weaves together comedic levity and genuine emotional depth, striking an exquisite balance that evokes laughter, reflection, and empathy.
Release: 2020
Stars: Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, Poorna Jagannathan, Darren Barnet
IMDB Score: 7.8