Never say no to food
Never say no to food is one of the Things About Jordan You Should Know. Jordanians are generous and welcoming people. They take their visitors' comfort seriously and go out of their way to make them feel at ease. They like eating together with everyone. Always smile and accept the meal offer, since informing them you're full would certainly irritate them.
If you accept an invitation to lunch with someone at their house, the first thing you should think about is how to reciprocate your host's kindness. Attempting to provide money would be profoundly disrespectful; instead, bring a memento of your thanks. A kilo or two of delicious pastries delivered to your host as you arrive will be whisked away out of sight and never spoken of again; yet, the gesture will have been appreciated. Otherwise, immediately delivering presents will usually result in embarrassment, because intricate social etiquette requires that such a gift be declined multiple times before acceptance. Instead, you may express your gratitude by giving little children presents such as pencils, tiny toys, notebooks, football stickers, and even picture postcards of your own country, which can endear you to your hosts far more than the monetary value of such items would suggest.