"Nichijou", also known as "My Ordinary Life," is a Japanese comedy anime and manga series created by Keiichi Arawi. It is known for its surreal and absurd humor, quirky characters, and unique art style. "Nichijou" features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own eccentricities and quirks. The main characters include:
- Mio Naganohara: a high school student and one of the main characters. She is known for her over-the-top reactions and her tendency to get flustered easily.
- Yuuko Aioi: Mio's best friend and also a high school student. She is often at the center of many humorous situations due to her clumsiness and lack of common sense.
- Mai Minakami: another high school student and is known for her stoic and deadpan personality. She often plays pranks on Yuuko and others, leading to absurd and humorous situations.
- Nano Shinonome: a robot girl who attends high school. She has a wind-up key on her back, which she tries to hide from her classmates. Her interactions with a young professor named Hakase are particularly humorous.
- Hakase Shinonome: a child prodigy scientist who created Nano. Despite her intelligence, she often acts like a typical child, adding to the series' comedic charm.
- Sakamoto: a talking cat who lives with Nano, Hakase, and their caretaker. He often acts as the voice of reason in the household.
"Nichijou" is a slice-of-life series that portrays the daily lives of these characters in a surreal and exaggerated manner. It takes ordinary, mundane situations and adds absurd twists and absurdities to them. Whether it's a simple conversation or an encounter with a deer that's a wrestling champion, the series constantly surprises and delights viewers with its unexpected humor.
Directed by: Tatsuya Ishihara
Air dates: April 3, 2011
IMDb rating: 8.3