Ninja Gaiden Black

Ninja Gaiden is a 2004 hack and slash game published by Tecmo that was created by Team Ninja. It was first published in March for the Xbox. Players take control of Ryu Hayabusa, a master ninja on a journey to reclaim a stolen sword and revenge on his clan's massacre. It is based on Tecmo's Ninja Gaiden series and takes place in the same universe as Team Ninja's Dead or Alive combat games. Ninja Gaiden was created five years by Tecmo with a western audience in mind. The game's brutality made gaining content ratings problematic, and it was restricted in several places. Tecmo marketed Ninja Gaiden with a series of worldwide online contests using the Xbox's internet access.
Ninja Gaiden is set in the Dead or Alive series' gaming universe. The game, situated mostly in Japan and the fictitious Vigoor Empire, leans on Heian era buildings for its Japanese locales—a ninja stronghold and mountain town. The Vigoor Empire, on the other hand, with its capital city of Tairon, is a fusion of architectural styles from throughout the world. European-style structures have Arabic writing, while the Tairon monastery has Gothic features, including a vaulted hall, pointed arches, and enormous stained glass windows. A hidden underground level has cat-headed sculptures, engravings, hieroglyphics, an Aztec pyramid, and a labyrinth. Itagaki's reluctance to limit the game's development process resulted in this eclectic combination of genres.
Release date: 2004
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