Noblesse, a Korean action-fantasy webtoon written by Son Jeho and illustrated by Lee Kwangsu, has taken the anime and manga community by storm. With its captivating storyline, dynamic characters, and impressive artwork, Noblesse promises an exhilarating reading experience.
Set in a world where supernatural beings exist, Noblesse follows the awakening of Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, an ancient vampire known as a "Noble." As Raizel adapts to the modern world, he encounters a group of human friends who aid him in protecting humanity from a secret organization lurking in the shadows.
The manhwa seamlessly combines suspense, comedy, and intense action scenes, creating a perfect balance that keeps readers hooked. The artwork beautifully captures the essence of each scene, enhancing the overall reading experience.
Overall, Noblesse is an addictive manhwa that offers a thrilling reading experience for action-loving fans. With its engaging plot, stunning artwork, and well-rounded characters, this webtoon is a must-read for enthusiasts seeking an exhilarating and action-packed journey into the supernatural world.
- Authors: Jeho Son, Kwangsu Lee
- Genre: Action
- Status: Finished
- Chapters: 50
- Read here: