Although it was originally published in Monthly Shonen Magazine, Noragami (Stray God) is still a popular romance manga, albeit with a few more fantasy and isekai elements. Noragami follows Hiyori Iki, a middle schooler who meets an unfortunate fate involving a bus. Hiyori is in the unique position of being aware of and able to interact with two other worlds, known as the Near Shore and Far Shore, as a result of the accident.
Yato, the titular Stray God, is a kami without a shrine. Yato wishes to establish himself as a god, while Hiyori wishes to have her human body repaired. As a result, they embark on a long and fantastical journey together. Noragami checks many boxes. It appeals to fans of fantasy and isekai manga while also appealing to shounen and shoujo fans. Because of this, it's an all-around crowd-pleaser and a great romance manga.
Author: Adachitoka
Original runDecember 6, 2010 – present
Volumes26 + 2 extra
Status: Ongoing
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