Obagi IDR
Obagi is a brand founded by dermatologist Zein Obagi in 1988. With over 30 years of experience in researching beauty products, Obagi has been increasingly asserting its name as a brand name. The "big man" specializes in providing intensive therapeutic products.
Obagi IDR is a product that is considered the mainstay of the Obagi brand. IDR stands for "Intensive Daily Repair," and it belongs to Obagi's SUZANOBAGIMD line. All the products in SUZANOBAGIMD, including IDR, have been clinically tested on a large scale, so they are suitable for all skin types, even the most sensitive.
Intensive Daily Repair is believed to have comprehensive effects on your skin. Because in addition to the core function of exfoliating to help clear pores of oil and dirt, IDR also helps restore skin damaged by UV rays and the effects of the environment.
Origin: USA
Ingredient: PHAs, Vitamin C & E, Allantoin, etc.
Price: $75.00
Website: https://www.obagi.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/obagimedical/