One of the Biggest Piracy Cases Ever Is Against a YouTuber From New Jersey
You've probably seen or heard about a YouTuber's video getting removed due to a copyright dispute. When someone uses audio or visual content that they do not own, this occurs. YouTube can automatically flag videos with copyrighted music when it detects them, but occasionally rights holders search for movie or TV show clips and file notices. Your YouTube channel could be deleted as well as you could face significant fines. But that's just minor information. Bill Omar Carrasquillo was not a reserved person.
Carrasquillo, also known as Omi in a Hellcat, is accused of nearly seldom occurring piracy. The YouTuber was operating a full-fledged illicit streaming platform. And on YouTube, he shared his tale of rising from poverty to illegal riches. He even promoted his illegal streaming service, where users could watch pay-per-view sporting events, Game of Thrones, live cable channels, and more, on the site. When the FBI arrived to arrest him, everything was recorded and broadcast live.
Charges state that he and his colleagues received $30 million in membership fees from users of his service. He spent the cash on jewelry, expensive vehicles, and a home, which he flaunted to his almost 800,000 YouTube admirers.
Carrasquillo has admitted guilt to offences involving copyright, fraud, money laundering, and tax evasion. Although the specifics of the plea agreement weren't made public, he could have spent up to 514 years in prison if found guilty.