Our Beloved Summer
In the captivating world of "Our Beloved Summer" manhwa, Yeonsu Guk and Wung Choi find themselves unexpectedly paired up for a high school documentary. With Yeonsu being a responsible rule-follower and Wung an absolute slacker, their initial expectations are far from optimistic. Little do they know that their journey together will prove to be an unforgettable summer of growth and revelation.
As the pages unfold, readers are invited into the enchanting world of this romantic tale. The love story between Yeonsu and Wung blossoms and evolves, captivating readers with every tender moment and heartfelt confession. However, the allure of "Our Beloved Summer" does not end there. The intricately crafted illustrations that showcase the sprawling city they call home add an extra layer of depth to the narrative, further plunging readers into the story's captivating universe.
With its enticing blend of romance and stunning artwork, "Our Beloved Summer" emerges as one of the best manhwa in its genre. From the endearing characters to the picturesque scenery, this completed series is sure to leave a lasting impression on every reader.
Genre: Romance, Comedy
Author: Yeonsu Guk, Wung Choi
Illustrator: Yeonsu Guk, Wung Choi
Read here: https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/our-beloved-summer/list?title_no=3666