Out of Control
"Out of Control" is a dark Boys' Love (BL) manhwa written and illustrated by Bboong. The story follows a young man named Yuri, who wakes up one day to find himself in a mysterious and dangerous situation. He discovers that he has been implanted with a control device that allows another person, a man named Kwon, to manipulate his actions and thoughts.
As the story progresses, Yuri and Kwon are forced to work together to survive and uncover the truth behind Yuri's predicament. Their relationship is complex and marked by power struggles, manipulation, and a growing sense of connection. The manhwa explores themes of control, identity, and the consequences of technological advancements.
"Out of Control" delves into the psychological and emotional toll experienced by Yuri as he grapples with his loss of agency and the unpredictable nature of his circumstances. The narrative is filled with suspense, twists, and a dark atmosphere. It's important to note that "Out of Control" contains mature content, including explicit scenes and themes. The art style of the manhwa effectively captures the intensity, emotions, and dark elements of the story.
Author: Bbong
Genres: Comedy, Drama, Romance, School, Shounen-ai, Slice of Life
Released: 2013-2016
Chapters: 85 + 5 bonus
Read here: https://www.tappytoon.com/en/book/out-of-control