The South Korean manhwa (comic) series "Overgeared" was created by Yoon Jae-Ho and Park Saenal. The show centers on Shin Youngwoo, a young guy who starts playing the virtual reality game "Satisfy" in order to support his family financially. Shin Youngwoo learns as he progresses through the game that he has a special talent for creating products that other players highly value. He must also negotiate the politics and power conflicts that exist inside the game's community as well as challenges from other players.
On many manga/manhwa reading websites, the manhwa is published online and freely accessible. It is formatted primarily in a vertical scroll format that is ideal for reading on digital devices like smartphones and tablets, and it is available to read in full color. The fantasy television series "Overgeared" has aspects of virtual reality, crafting, and video games. Due to its graphic and violent nature, it is rated for adult audiences. The manhwa is renowned for its excellent illustration, compelling characters, and complex world-building.
Author: Park Saenal
Illustrator: Yoon Jae-Ho
Genre: Fantasy, virtual reality, crafting, game-like elements
Rating: Mature (violent, graphic)
Chapters: 184
Website: https://overgeared.net/