Overlord is a popular isekai light novel series by Kugane Maruyama, and it indeed features a compelling main character. The story centers around Ainz Ooal Gown, a mighty skeletal character who leads one of the strongest guilds in the virtual reality game Yggdrasil. When the game servers are about to be shut down, Ainz cannot log out and is stuck in the game world, which has become real.
Ainz is exceptionally overpowered, with extensive knowledge of magic and numerous spells. He aims to unravel the mysteries of this new world and determine if there are other players stuck there, too. As he explores, he often uses his immense power and intelligence to achieve his goals, earning respect and fear from the inhabitants of this new reality.
Overlord is known for its intricate world-building, well-developed characters, and strategic battles. Ainz's extraordinary abilities and how he deals with the challenges in the new world make the series a captivating and unique addition to the isekai genre.
The Overlord series has been adapted into a TV show, comic books, and audio stories. The TV show covers various parts of the story, but the main narrative originates from the original books, with more still in production.
Detailed information:
- Author: Kugane Maruyama
- Illustrator: so-bin
- Published: from 2012
- Genre: Naro, Isekai