Panthumai Waterfall

The Panthumai waterfall, which is on the border between Bangladesh and India and Meghalaya, is wonderfully magnificent. It is a waterfall in the community of Panthumai. The village is definitely one of Bangladesh's most picturesque settlements. The fountain is located extremely close to the Bangladeshi bank of the Pian River even though it falls on the India-Bangladesh border. The BSF camp departs at the base of the Pantumai Waterfall. Here, the border between the two nations is separated. Here, there is no BGB camp. Going close to the border is therefore risky. You will undoubtedly adore this magnificent waterfall.

Coming down from slopes that are hundreds of feet high is the white water stream. Looking away from the mountainous hillside, it appears like the white sheets have been spread. The truth and beauty of the waterfalls will become clearer the closer you are to the sound of the fountain. The stunning harmony of the mountains and the river will captivate you. It is really difficult to refrain from taking a bath in white water. Bathing is not a problem because there is enough water in the Bangladeshi portion to enjoy the lovely waterfalls. You can take in the entirety of Panthumai's scenery while standing on Bangladesh's border.

If you love a calm river, clear waters, and the solitude of the mountains, and at the same time if you love listening to the endless song of a drunken fountain, then Panthumai in Sylhet is for you.

Location: Near the Indian border in West Jaflong Union, Gowainghat Upazila, Sylhet District

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