Paricutin Volcano
Due to the fact that this natural wonder is located in Michoacán, Mexico, even frequent travelers might not be familiar with Paricutin. Even more so than well-known volcanoes like Yellowstone, this cinder cone volcano was named one of the seven natural wonders of the world.
In 1952, Paricutin last erupted. Due to the fact that people were present for its birth and rapid formation, it was named one of the seven natural wonders of the world. Either on foot or on a horse, you can make the twelve-mile roundtrip journey to the volcano's summit. Around the volcano, hikers will traverse lava fields and sandbanks.
Any time of the year is a good time to visit Paricutin. From Mexico City, it takes about seven hours to get there. For a taste of both nature and culture, combine a trip to the volcano with a visit to the nation's capital. In the city of Urapan, accommodations can be found close to the volcano.
Location: Michoacán, Mexico