People Scatter Ashes At Disneyland All The Time
Choosing what to do with someone's cremated remains is frequently a significant decision for many individuals. This is the final resting place of someone you loved. How do you behave? Sometimes the departed will have expressed their wishes, and other times the grieving must use their best judgment. The last hurrah of many of the dearly departed is said to be at Disneyland, according to urban mythology.
The rumor that people frequently disperse ashes at Disneyland and Disney World has circulated since before 2010. Additionally, Disney is a theme park, whereas this might not be a big deal at many popular tourist destinations like the Grand Canyon or Niagara Falls. There are many families there in an enclosed space that probably don't want to breathe in your granddad. So this must be just a myth, right? Just a terrible story of misguided folks saying goodbye to a loved one in a somewhat careless way? Not really.
It turns out that a startling amount of people really scatter ashes at the Magic Kingdom. Prior to the epidemic, it was happening around once per month. Disney's personnel have a code they use to notify others of the issue because it occurs so frequently. So, be aware of dust clouds if you ever hear someone at Disneyland mention a HEPA cleansing. Oddly enough, despite the fact that ashes are scattered everywhere, the Haunted Mansion receives the most of them.