
Pequod's first opened its doors in 1970. Pequods pizza, located on fernald avenue in morton grove, Illinois, began a cult for its pan style pizza with a "caramelized crust" edge.
The hometown pizzeria was popular among the locals because of its distinctive atmosphere and excellent deep dish pizza. The original owner sold the pizzeria in June of 1986, resulting in a rebirth. The restaurant has been revitalized under new management. The menu was enlarged, and the renowned pan pizza was joined by a savory thin crust pizza. Pequod's became the best-kept pizza secret in Chicago's northwest suburbs as word of mouth spread. Even after moving away from the Chicago region, many of the faithful continue to make pilgrimages to Pequods. The mythology of the Pequod began a fresh chapter in January 1992. Pequods opened in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood in response to the cries of many loyal clients. Pequod's began to develop a new cult following in the Windy City, swiftly becoming recognized for late-night pizza and delivery of their world-class deep dish pizza, thanks to the enthusiastic patronage of dedicated consumers.
- Website:
- Location: 2207 N. Clybourn Ave Chicago IL 60614
- Phone number: (773) 327-1512